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Creating Plugin Instance


What is a plugin? A plugin is a collection of modules that provide functionality to the Mol* UI. The plugin is responsible for managing the state of the viewer, internal and user interactions. It has been a previous point of confusion for new users of Mol* to associate the viewer part of the library with what is further referred to as the plugin. These two are closely connected in the molstar-plugin-ui module, which is the user-facing part of the library and ultimately provides the viewer, but they are ultimately distinct.

It is recommended that you inspect the general class structure of PluginInitWrapper, PluginUIContext and PluginUIComponent to better understand the flow of data and events in the plugin. A passing analogy is that a PluginContext is the engine that powers computation, rendering, events and subscriptions inside the molstar UI. All UI components depend on PluginContext.

There are 4 basic ways of instantiating the Mol* plugin.

Viewer wrapper

  • The most basic usage is to use the Viewer wrapper. This is best suited for use cases that do not require much custom behavior and are mostly about just displaying a structure.
  • See Viewer class is defined in src/apps/viewer/app.ts for available methods and options.

Example usage without using WebPack:

    #app {
        position: absolute;
        left: 100px;
        top: 100px;
        width: 800px;
        height: 600px;
    molstar.js and .css are obtained from
    - the folder build/viewer after cloning and building the molstar package 
    - from the build/viewer folder in the Mol* NPM package
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="molstar.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="./molstar.js"></script>

<div id="app"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    molstar.Viewer.create('app', {
        layoutIsExpanded: false,
        layoutShowControls: false,
        layoutShowRemoteState: false,
        layoutShowSequence: true,
        layoutShowLog: false,
        layoutShowLeftPanel: true,

        viewportShowExpand: true,
        viewportShowSelectionMode: false,
        viewportShowAnimation: false,

        pdbProvider: 'rcsb',
        emdbProvider: 'rcsb',
    }).then(viewer => {
        viewer.loadEmdb('EMD-30210', { detail: 6 });

When using WebPack (or possibly other build tool) with the Mol* NPM package installed, the viewer class can be imported using

import { Viewer } from 'molstar/build/viewer/molstar'

function initViewer(target: string | HTMLElement) {
    return new Viewer(target, { /* options */})

PluginContext with built-in React UI

import { DefaultPluginUISpec, PluginUISpec } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui/spec';
import { createPluginUI } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui';
import { renderReact18 } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui/react18';
import { PluginConfig } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin/config';

const MySpec: PluginUISpec = {
    config: [
        [PluginConfig.VolumeStreaming.Enabled, false]

async function createPlugin(parent: HTMLElement) {
    const plugin = await createPluginUI({
      target: parent,
      spec: MySpec,
      render: renderReact18

    const data = await{ url: '...' }, { state: { isGhost: true } });
    const trajectory = await, format);
    await, 'default');

    return plugin;

createPlugin(document.getElementById('app')!); // app is a <div> element with position: relative

To use the plugin (with the React UI) inside another React app:

A single-plugin setup is shown the example below. In order to initialize multiple plugins, each with its own context and viewport, some extra steps are required (docs section to be added).

import { useEffect, createRef } from "react";
import { createPluginUI } from "molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui";
import { renderReact18 } from "molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui/react18";
import { PluginUIContext } from "molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui/context";
/*  Might require extra configuration,
see for example.
create-react-app should support this natively. */
import "molstar/lib/mol-plugin-ui/skin/light.scss";

declare global {
  interface Window {
    molstar?: PluginUIContext;

export function MolStarWrapper() {
  const parent = createRef<HTMLDivElement>();

  // In debug mode of react's strict mode, this code will
  // be called twice in a row, which might result in unexpected behavior.
  useEffect(() => {
    async function init() {
        window.molstar = await createPluginUI({
          target: parent.current as HTMLDivElement,
          render: renderReact18

        const data = await
          { url: "" }, /* replace with your URL */
          { state: { isGhost: true } }
        const trajectory =
          await, "pdb");
    return () => {
      window.molstar = undefined;
  }, []);

  return <div ref={parent} style={{ width: 640, height: 480 }}/>;

Furthermore, if it is desirable in your project to use the molstar's React UI components, but you wish to alter or rearrange the layout, you should take a look at the signatures of PluginUIComponent which every "control" subclasses.

SequenceView , for example, can be used separately from the PluginUI. Yet you would need to pass the PluginUIContext to it in order for it to observe the changes in the state of the plugin. This can be done via a PluginContextContainer:

// your_app.plugin: PluginUIContext
<div className="your_custom_ui">
  <PluginContextContainer plugin={your_app.plugin}>
    <SequenceView />

Directly using Mol* React UI

class MolStarWrapper {
  private resolveInit: () => void;
  initialized = new Promise<boolean>(res => { this.resolveInit = () => res(true); });

  private initCalled = false;
  plugin: PluginUIContext;
  async init() {
    if (this.initCalled) return;
    this.initCalled = true;
    this.plugin = ...;
    await this.plugin.init();

function MolStar({ model }: { model: MolStarWrapper }) {
  const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false);
  useEffect(() => {
     async function init() {
       await model.init();
  }, [model]);

  if (!initialized) return <>Loading</>;
  return <div style={{ ..., position: 'relative' }}>
    <Plugin plugin={model.plugin} />

PluginContext without built-in React UI

  • The PluginContext can be instantiated without using the default React UI.
<div id='molstar-parent' style='position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0'>
    <canvas id='molstar-canvas' style='position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0'></canvas>
import { DefaultPluginSpec, PluginSpec } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin/spec';
import { PluginContext  } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin/context';
import { PluginConfig } from 'molstar/lib/mol-plugin/config';

const MySpec: PluginSpec = {
    config: [
        [PluginConfig.VolumeStreaming.Enabled, false]

async function init() {
    const plugin = new PluginContext(MySpec);
    await plugin.init();

    const canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement> document.getElementById('molstar-canvas');
    const parent = <HTMLDivElement> document.getElementById('molstar-parent');

    if (!plugin.initViewer(canvas, parent)) {
        console.error('Failed to init Mol*');

    // Example url:"" 
    // Example url:"" 
    const data = await{ url: '...' }, { state: { isGhost: true } });
    const trajectory = await, format); //format is 'mmcif' or 'pdb' etc.
    await, 'default');

Canvas3D without built-in state management

  • The PluginContext object from the above examples can be completely omitted.
  • See Browser Tests for example usage.
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); // parent <canvas> element
const canvas3d = Canvas3D.create(Canvas3DContext.fromCanvas(canvas));
// use the canvas3d object here