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MolViewSpec selectors

Selectors are used in MVS to define substructures (components) and apply colors, labels, or tooltips to them. MVS nodes that take a selector parameter are component (creates a component from the parent structure node) and color (applies coloring to a part of the parent representation node).

There are three kinds of selectors:

  • Static selector is a string that selects a part of the structure based on entity type. The supported static selectors are these:

    "all", "polymer", "protein", "nucleic", "branched", "ligand", "ion", "water"

  • Component expression is an object that selects a set of atoms based on their properties like chain identifier, residue number, or type symbol. The type of a component expression object is:

        label_entity_id?: str,    // Entity identifier
        label_asym_id?: str,      // Chain identifier in label_* numbering
        auth_asym_id?: str,       // Chain identifier in auth_* numbering
        label_seq_id?: int,       // Residue number in label_* numbering
        auth_seq_id?: int,        // Residue number in auth_* numbering
        pdbx_PDB_ins_code?: str,  // PDB insertion code
        beg_label_seq_id?: int,   // Minimum label_seq_id (inclusive), leave blank to start from the beginning of the chain
        end_label_seq_id?: int,   // Maximum label_seq_id (inclusive), leave blank to go to the end of the chain
        beg_auth_seq_id?: int,    // Minimum auth_seq_id (inclusive), leave blank to start from the beginning of the chain
        end_auth_seq_id?: int,    // Maximum auth_seq_id (inclusive), leave blank to go to the end of the chain
        label_atom_id?: str,      // Atom name like 'CA', 'N', 'O', in label_* numbering
        auth_atom_id?: str,       // Atom name like 'CA', 'N', 'O', in auth_* numbering
        type_symbol?: str,        // Element symbol like 'H', 'HE', 'LI', 'BE'
        atom_id?: int,            // Unique atom identifier (
        atom_index?: int,         // 0-based index of the atom in the source data

    A component expression can include any combination of the fields. An expression with multiple fields selects atoms that fulfill all fields at the same time. Examples:

    // Select whole chain A
    selector: { label_asym_id: 'A' }
    // Select residues 100 to 200 (inclusive) in chain B
    selector: { label_asym_id: 'B', beg_label_seq_id: 100, end_label_seq_id: 200 }
    // Select C-alpha atoms in residue 100 (using auth_* numbering) of any chain
    selector: { auth_seq_id: 100, type_symbol: 'C', auth_atom_id: 'CA' }
  • Union component expression is an array of simple component expressions. A union component expression is interpreted as set union, i.e. it selects all atoms that fulfill at least one of the expressions in the array. Example:

    // Select chains A, B, and C
    selector: [{ label_asym_id: 'A' }, { label_asym_id: 'B' }, { label_asym_id: 'C' }];
    // Select residues up to 100 (inclusive) in chain A plus all magnesium atoms
    selector: [{ label_asym_id: 'A', end_label_seq_id: 100 }, { type_symbol: 'MG' }];

Component expressions can be applied to primitives as well. Furthermore, a ref can be provided to make selections with a specific node when working e.g. with multiple structures. Any MVS node allows you to set an anchor:"mmcif").model_structure(ref="X")

This ref can then be referenced in the context of a selection:

PrimitiveComponentExpressions(structure_ref="X", expressions=[ComponentExpression(auth_seq_id=508)])

An alternative to using selectors is using MVS annotations. This means defining the selections in a separate file and referencing them from the MVS file.